This does exactly what I need: give me reminders and guide me through the exercises. No fuss, no pink lotus frills. Just info and support.
This does exactly what I need: give me reminders and guide me through the exercises. No fuss, no pink lotus frills. Just info and support.
I love this app What do I have to do to fix it?
I have a free Kegel app on my phone which I love. I paid money for this one for the ease of using it on my watch. Unfortunately it seems to only keep track of the exercises you do from the phone, not your watch. Also the screen timeout on the watch (set at the max time allotted) stops the tap alerts from the app. So unless you’re randomly shake your wrist or tap the screen it’s like the app isn’t even running.
It’s the best there is for the Apple Watch but could still use some work. It doesn’t sync exercises very well and it over-notifies me. As others have said, I wish it would give haptic ticks without the screen needing to be on and active. That being said, I’m thankful to have an app that will work in the watch. It has upped my consistency in doing the exercises and is benefiting my postpartum muscles.
I just had my prostate removed and have been instructed to perform 5-15 second exercises 10x per session and to perform these 10x a day. Unfortunately, this app only allows you to go as high as 6 times a day. Please increase this to at least 10 times per day. It would really broaden the usefulness of your app to include prostate cancer surgery patients as well.
I have a hard time remembering to do postpartum exercises, so this app works well for me. I use the vibrate feature so I don't have to stare at my phone the whole time.
This app became an integral part of my postpartum physical therapy rehabilitation success. As a new mom I didn't always have time to focus on my rehab homework so the app was very helpful with reminders, features, discretion and concise methods. Recommend by my physical therapist, she was able to customize some of the features which is what set this app apart from the others. It gave me the confidence that I needed to regain my pre-pregnancy muscle strength. Thank you app developers and physios behind the scenes. I love this technology!
This would be the PERFECT kegel app if they would add hapatics to the watch app. When I'm doing the exercise my watch goes dark so I can't see what I'm supposed to be doing. Constantly flicking my wrist to get the screen to come back up is uncomfortable and definitely not discreet! If vibration was added, like the breathe app, I wouldn't have to look at my watch at all.
Tried bwom which I couldn't set up. This app is simple and effective, great for reminding me to do the exercises!
I loved that I could exercise from my watch, but I stopped because it doesn't integrate use of haptics, and the watch timed out as I was watching during exercises. Please better develop the watch app and integrate all available features.
This app has been absolutely central to my achieving my health goals. I never would have kept track of the repetitions without it. I give it 4 stars instead of 5 because it is not adjustable to meet an individual treatment plan. Even so, it is very useful and you can probably come up with a work-round if it is not exactly as prescribed.
Biggest issues are that you cannot increase repetitions beyond 10 or set a couple different workouts. Main issues is that apple watch does vibrate at all during exercise so its worthless trying to use unless you want to hold up your wrist for the whole time which would be tiring and weird. Waste of money, there are better apps for free
It works very well for me.
Well worth the price paid! Detailed information demystifying how to do the squeeze just so. The reminders are great and the app really well designed. I've even gifted it to my pregnant friends!